Monday 17 September 2012

A summer lesson

There are a number of principles by which we try to operate but every now and then God does something to really teach us the value of them. One of these is that 'Jesus is building His church'. This is aligned with the thought that our job is a different one, namely to make disciples. Entering this summer we were quietly pleased with how the first year of CityChurch Leicester had gone. Relationships were strong, people new to the city were settling well and we had identified our missional focus and got the whole church involved in missional communities. Pretty good really, but there was a nagging question for me, 'Lord, where is the fruit!?'. Nevertheless we entered a summer rest period, stopped the majority of our activity and engaged in sabbath rest. As soon as we did we began to see fruit! We didn't earn it, or strive for it or deserve it but by God's grace we saw it. New people were added, people met Jesus and were saved, new relationships developed and a series of exceptional miracles including deaf ears opening and broken bones being healed took place. In fact it is still happening, by the grace of God. We are now entering our busier autumn season but we go into clearer than ever that Jesus builds the church! He has taught us that and so we must remember it and continue to embrace the seasons of rest and abiding He calls for in John 15. We stay healthy, faith filled and clearer in our perspectives about our roles when we do. Lets keep Loving God and Loving People and leave the rest up to Him! If you want to know more about our journey get in touch!