Friday 30 April 2010

The next stage

Planting a church is certainly a journey and the next stage of the CityChurch journey is about to get under way. We will soon begin to meet monthly to build relationship and pray. We hope to do this on some occasions in Leicester but for now we will start in Derby. It will be difficult to draw everyone together as we have people from different parts of the UK coming to join City Church but it will be exciting and we will do our best! Watch this space for details.

Wednesday 21 April 2010

Mission Opportunities

As suggested in an earlier post we want CityChurch to have a strong incarnational edge to it. This means pouring our lives into communities and people groups that needs Jesus. At present we are exploring 2 possible opportunities to do just this. They may or may not be things we finally commit to but the opportunities are exciting!

The first is on one of the city's estates. It is an area with no strong church presence according to the local Christians and it has lots of need. In the middle of this estate we have found an inspirational woman who has seen the lives of many locals transformed. We are exploring whether or not we can invest in this area. Are you up for moving onto an estate in Leicester and pouring your life into a needy community?

The second opportunity is very different! Missions organisation WEC have shown some interest in exploring the possibility of partnering with us as we look to work with people from other religions in the city. Who knows what will come of this, but we start talking with WEC tomorrow!

Thursday 1 April 2010

Time to step up a gear

Things are as exciting as ever as we continue to seek God and make plans for CityChurch. In order to share some of the vision more widely and give people a chance to find out more we are having a 'find out more' evening at the Riverside Centre (home of Community Church Derby) @ 8pm on April 29th. You can find directions via the Community Church Derby website link. We hope you can make it!